Takeouts from the book ‘Who will cry when I die’

Who Will Cry When You Die, Robin sharma, Cindishel Manzi, virtual assistant
  1. We all have unique talents waiting to be engaged in a worthy pursuit. 
  2. A meaningful life comprises a series of daily acts of decency and kindness. Kindness is the tent/rent we must pay for our space on this planet. Look for creative ways to show compassion to strangers.
  3. To live happier, more fulfilling lives, when we encounter a difficult circumstance, we must keep shifting our perspective and ask ourselves, is there a wiser, more enlightened way of looking at this seemingly negative situation?
  4. Self-discipline= tough love. Discipline allows you to do all the things you know in your heart you should do but never feel like doing. Be strict with yourself; you will begin to live more deliberately, on your terms rather than flowing the stream current flow.
  5. Maintain a journal and jot down your daily experiences and the lessons you have drawn from them. Keeping a journal encourages you to consider what you do, why you do it, and what you have learned from all you have done. This promotes personal growth and wisdom by giving you an opportunity for tremendous success in the future.
  6. Monitor how many small untruths you tell over time. Be a person of your word rather than being ‘all talk and no action.
  7. Every moment you spend on the past, you steal from your future. Every minute you spend focusing on the problems, you take away from finding solutions.
  8. How you begin your day determines how you will live your day. Have the wisdom and self-discipline to ensure that you have the purest of thoughts and take only the finest of actions; you will notice your days consistently unfold in marvellous ways.
  9. It is easy to say yes to every request on your time when the priorities of your life are unclear and when a rich and inspiring vision of your future does not guide your days. Learning to say no to the non-essentials will give you more time to devote to things that matter to you and help you leave a legacy that you know for a fact matters to you.
  10. Take a day off your daily activities to work on yourself and self-renew. 
  11. Select a phrase you will train your mind to focus on at different times throughout the day until it begins to dominate your awareness and reshape your person.
  12. Set time aside to worry about all your problems, dust yourself, forget them, and strive to improve.
  13. Make time to connect with the child within the side. You can understand and relate with most people better if you look at them. No matter how impressive they may be, as if they are children. 
  14. You are not on his earth only to earn a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with more excellent vision and a finer spirit of hope and achievement. Spend time with passionate and dedicated people about what they do to make out of life. 
  15. Look for something that makes your body relax, and do it as often as possible. 
  16. Have moments of silence that will help you refocus on the goals you have set out.
  17. The first step to getting up early is to remember quality over quantity. Give yourself a few weeks for this habit to take hold. Life changes take time, effort, and patience. The results you will receive make the initial stress you experience more than worth it.

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